How To Style Your Bedroom To Make It Look Amazing

Your bedroom needs to look attractive and feel luxuriously comfortable; it is the place where you alone can feel 100% relaxed. Here is a guide on how to style your bedroom to create an exciting and fabulous living environment.

When decorating your bedroom you should keep the walls plain and simple so any other decorations that you add won’t clash with any patterns. Plainly painted walls also help to add an illusion of space, especially if it is a small room. The Perth carpet cleaning you choose should contrast with the colour of the walls and if you do desire patterns they should be subtle so the room does not look too busy or loud as this will make it look small. Additionally, it is hard to relax in a bedroom that is full of too many lively colours!


The Bed

It is in the home decorations you choose that you should reveal your favourite colours, patterns and styles. The duvet cover is the central feature of your bedroom so here is your chance to go wild and simply pick a design you love. If you are a lover of all things vintage and are lucky to have a king-sized bed, try Victorian inspired bedclothes with floral patterns that feature cream, pink and pale blue tones. To complete this look use an under sheet with a fringed bed-skirt.

Home Comforts

Sometimes you need to add something extra to achieve the level of comfort that you require. Cushions and plump feather pillows are essential bedroom-wear. When you are feeling unwell or exhausted from a hard day at the office it feels so good to just cuddle up to a sumptuously soft pillow. Adding cushions is also a fabulous way to add a splash of colour and pattern to your bedroom. With a highly patterned bed spread, pick a block coloured cushion that matches the tones found within that pattern. It is a wonderful way to show off your favourite colours and create an exciting interior design.


A lot of the time you are able to pick curtains when you pick you bedding as they have been designed specially to match each other. However, if this isn’t the case follow the same advice as with the cushions; match a tone from the bedding and pick the same colour for the curtains. Although this can be difficult when you have a plain duvet cover, so in this instance the best thing to do is choose a contrasting colour. For example, for a summery environment contrast a cream bed spread with bright, sunshine yellow curtains. Minimalism is on trend this season so don’t over run your bedroom with too many patterns.

Your bedroom is your own personal place where you can experience a fantastic sense of relaxation. It should be your own sanctuary reserved only for you (and maybe your partner.) With the addition of an attractive duvet cover, the perfect set of curtains and several comfortable and beautiful cushions you will find your bedroom is irresistible.

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